Today Ms.Cybercanon invited me to come and join her breaking fast at Deli Nutreesh in Beribi with her ex-classmates/friends from STPRI. It was my first time eating there surprisingly there's a lot people there like CROWDED LOTS! hehe and when i thought the place was isolated lol i'm so wrong~. So here are some of the pictures:
My Music

About Me

- Ak Mohd Herman
- Bandar Seri Begawan, Beribi Gadong, Brunei
- Corporate Communication Assistant and a part time blogger who loves to shoot.
Music Updater
Blogger Heroes
MMN 2025 so far…2 weeks ago
Nur Amalina & Mohd Arif Nikah photo13 years ago
Car Enthusiasts
Majlis Berbedak - Zair11 years ago
Te37v style Deep Dish Retro Rims11 years ago
Kalil's AP1.5 S2000 - Preview14 years ago
Mr.D.I.Y is back in Action..14 years ago
Sports Bloggers
Blog Archive
- Sungkai at Deli Nutreesh
- Sungkai at KTM with Fellow SP'ians
- Farewell to Ihsanuddin
- Rizqun's Lobby
- Sungkai at Rizqun / Birthday Surprise...
- Happy 22nd Birthday to Me
- Prelude for Hari Raya Celebration
- Sungkai at Charcoal's Was Superb
- Outing in Tutong - Reflections
- Slipknot - Psychosocial
- A Mannequin's Fate
- Wishlist - Canon IS Lens
- Unplanned Outing
- Behold the Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Daydreaming
- Sungkai & Birthday Celebration at Season's
- Wishlist - Canon EOS 5D
- The Mall at 5.36pm
- The Making of Kek Tapak Kuda
- Saturday night with friends...
- BIBD Sungkai @ Jerudong Polo Club
- BFF Group Photo - Freestyle
- BFF storms Pasar Gadong
- Wishlist - Yamaha FZ1 / ABS
- Sungkai at Arthini with Pusat Ehsan
- Extension from Previous Outing
- Reaching for the Sky
- Detention Center
- Banana
- Specialy For You
- Ms Cybercanon's Birthday Celebration
- Havoc Outing - Sunrise...
- Happy 22nd Birthday Luv
- For Sale Canon EOS 888
- Tahlil BIBD @ Kubah Makam Diraja
- Broken Handphone...
- Qiyamu Ramadhan
- Sungkai at Rizqun...
- United's Update...
- Dim Sum Buffet for Supper
- Our 3rd Year Anniversary 03.09.08
- Silhouettes...
- What Happened at the Beach...
- Candid Shots...
- Afternoon Activities...
- Morning Activities...
Finally having Sungkai with friends from SP after the whole month of Ramadhan each and everyone of us were busy with our Industrial Attachment. And now in the final week of the fasting month we had the chance to break our fast together and a small reunion to update each other what have been going on after 3 months of working. But unfortunately not all of the invited friends could come that day so it's their lost otherwise they would have FREE sungkai :D
more updates @ Hiero & Marriz
Yesterday i went to the airport around 4pm to send off my closest cousin San@Freakazoid for his BST Training Scheme and a Diploma in UK (Blackpool)@Bloodyfool he said LOL. By 5pm the departure hall was already packed with a lot of people who's also going for government scholarships. *sigh* i'm really gonna miss you dude and there will be no partner in crime with me this raya crashing our family's house. The last thing he said to me before going was - "jangan abang awang kahwin dulu kalau aku d UK masih tunggu ku balik" haha alright dude! sure!... Well here's some pictures i took at the scene:

Ms.Cybercanon got me back! Thanks for the lovely cake syg i'm really surprised. It was a great sungkai for me and my family with all the great foods which makes it even more greater! lol anyway i'm waiting for the picture taken by Rano... yea Ranoadidas was there too breaking his fast and he took pictures when i got surprised with the cake along with the birthday song played by the group who played traditional instruments (at first i didnt realise because lain bunyi nya mcm bukan birthday song lol)...
i want to thanks to all my family & friends for their non stop text greetings, to all those who wrote in the chatbox at my blog, friends in BIBD HQ today thank you, and not to forget from BFF [Brunei Forever Forum] what i remembered are Eatsnad, RealBrunei, Lisadragon, God's Gift, Bruneian, v8acc, headache298, alphashooter "mestilah bro aku kawin lapas abis skulah! but not that soon lah hehe", Blind-Shutterz, Syazlie_S50, AdamBJ, zaliariff "mestilah~ Glory Glory Man Utd", Moggies, Azeez12 & FadiStar....for those i forgot to mentioned their names this appreciation goes to u too :D....
it's located in batu satu next to athirah building, a restaurant which specializes in serving the best BBQ & GRILLED foods in the country so far and if i'm not mistaken the charges for the sungkai buffet was $28+ for adults :S but i can assure you that it's all worth it! just make sure you're stomach are really empty. hehe

situated at Supa Save's basement parking i saw this dummy or mannequin lying on top of a wooden box at one corner, from a far distant it looked like a human being. :S who wouldn't! How often u see a dummy wearing socks?!!! this one do or did~ hahaha thank god it still wear some clothing otherwise it would be another different story lol :D