This is my last post before i go for my trip to Kota Kinabalu. Tomorrow i'll be meeting up my friends at SP's parking lot before 5.30am. So gotta check everythings are all packed up and gotta remember to have my breakfast at least a hot cup of tea before departure hehe. And about this post i bought a Canon Battery Grip BG-E3 for extra additional power for my 400D for the 4 days vacation. I assume that there will be a lot of picture takings and group photos will be going on there especially when we're going to one of the islands called "Manukan Island'. So wish me luck and a safe journey, hopefully i will bring back amazing pictures home :P
Tagged by Jozi..
10 Years Ago, I...
1. was in Sunshine School
2. was a very active kid in school especially in football
3. was in the same school with Jozi who tagged me here…
4. was thin compared to now
5. was not a 4-eye! Damn u playstation!!! haha
5 Years Ago, I...
1. was in SMB
2. was very addicted with Counter Strike
3. was classmates with jozi there…heyh~ mcm gay ada jua…glued together haha
4. took Malay Literature (awu banar!)
5. realized that Economics is not my favourite subjects
3 Years Ago, I...
1. entered Business School (Sekolah Perdagangan)
2. lost few kilos due to aggressive bball practices
3. make new friends
4. got my very own car
5. fell in love…
A Year Ago, I...
1. got to know better on what is Economics all about
2. felt stress due to loads of assignments
3. mixed up with new friends that are used to be rivals…hehe
4. joined a car audio competition in Miri Sarawak
5. got my very own bike (scooter plg ganya tu!)
So Far This Year, I...
1. conducted a lot of business projects
2. conducted a Social Responsibility at RIPAS
3. started in photography as a hobby
4. made my own blog hehe
5. was chosen to represent Ministry of Health in conducting a questionnaire distribution for customer’s/patient’s level of satisfaction in RIPAS.
Yesterday, I....
1. was able to approach 40 patients to finish all my questionnaires by mid day
2. went out for dinner with Ms.Cybercanon at Blue Eden
3. bought a 4GB Flash Card for my 400D
4. went to Nikon Expo at Hua Ho Manggis
5. had a drink with Ms. Cybercanon at Coffee Zone Gdg around 10pm
Today, I ....
1. woke up late around 9am
2. went to pick up Arif at SP
3. Accompanied Arif to finish his papers before we give back to the M.O.H
4. am doing this crap because I was tagged by jozi *sigh*
5. will browse for my 400D accessories, looking for extra battery for tomorrow and a tripod
Tomorrow I will...
1. wake up early, I mean f*****g early like 5am!!!
2. go to SP’s parking lot and meet the rest and off my way to KK
3. take lots, lots and lots of pictures!
4. listen to my ipod along the way (jauh kaliah!)
5. call my mom, dad and Ms.cybercanon as soon as I reach KK
Amal, Anoy, Enoy, Eyan, Froggyblogy, K26, Midah, Mimiets, Ninah, Rena, Saadah, Santy, Suliza, and to the Havoc Bloggers :P