I've been tagged!

Zafirah says I've been tagged..

Okay the rules of tagging is that;

1) You have to take your picture right now! (yes now, no editing, no fixing your hair or anything)

2) Post the picture immediately at your blog

3) Post it together with these rules

4) Tagged five other bloggers to do the same thing.

In my case, a friend of mine http://www.13inc.blogspot.com/ tagged me..

So here is my picture..

Came to work, opened up my blog, kana tagged! haha what the heck. SNAP! there you usulku pagi2 haha

Next I'll be tagging five other people, and those people are;

1) Hiero from http://hierophyte.blogspot.com/

2) Marriz from http://marriz-scene.blogspot.com/

3) Suraya from http://you-niquelylove.blogspot.com/

4) Mimiets from http://mimiets.blogspot.com/

5) Anez from http://www.loveadeq.blogspot.com/

Sorry guys, but you have to do it.. Have fun!!!