1st day of Industrial Attachment...

compliment from BIBD :D

I'm attached to BIBD (Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam) Jln Pemancha Branch. Well i should say its hard to find a FREE parking space in bandar area *sigh* which forced me to park at the Yayasan parking area which costs me $10 at the end of the day (confirm pakai moto bsok LOL) *huhu* rather than coming late which will definitely give first bad expression towards myself to the company :D So yea the whole day was fun, in the morning we're reporting ourselves to the assistant manager of the HR Dept, she told me that i'm gonna be posted under the Consumer & Retail Banking and also brief us a little bit more about the bank. Then moving on by going for a tour led by the HR officer to most of the bank's departments in the building. It's freezing COLD in that building!!! :D I think i'm gonna like it working there hehe...