Me Tooth

basar! macam duit sepusen~

Yesterday i'm not feeling well as i woke up i felt there's a swelling inside my mouth on the right cheek and also the taste of blood. So i planned not to go for work instead going for a check up at the dental hospital at berakas/airport lama. As expected the queue was so damn long from 9am i was there and my number was called up around 11+am. So the doctor checked what seems to be the cause of the bleeding/swelling and it was because there another wisdom tooth had pop out which caused even smaller space for me to chew. She recommend me to remove my upper back tooth (above picture) so it would be easy for me tho chew foods in the future as the wisdom tooth grows. Well throughout the tooth removal process i was so quiet because the fact that i don't really like going for dental check ups which scares me when they do something with your teeth. 1st step : they injected some kind of liquid on 2 parts to reduce the pain 2nd step: the removal of the tooth which takes them a while because theres nothing wrong with it, its just as healthy as ever but its just have to be removed for my own convenience. Then all i know the doctor said: "Ok sudah tu awangku ah~" and i was like : "ah? sudah kah?"(with my mouth still wide open LOL)..."dalam hati: nda ku nyanyat ke sini ani!" so gents/ladies take care of your teeth!