As invited by Syam yesterday for his 22nd birthday celebration at his house in Tasek Meradun, we were the first couple who came as told by syam it would be around 8pm then followed by more friends who came late *cheh* hehe. As expected the foods served were great, i can say syam's mother really knows how to cook! i ate lots of salad(jarang2 makan salad) and also the fish curry was marvellous hehe. Too bad some can't come and join us otherwise it would be even greater. I really missed those of my friends now i rarely meet...
Syam's surprise cakes
"awu mun kan memotong potong saja nda payah kan di-bawa jln2 cake atu syam~hehe"
Amal PJ & Dee
unknown & Dee
Amal PJ's request:
Amal PJ's request:
love birds

ends up with a photoshoot with 2 models: Mila & Ain
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