Yesterday I'm attending the reunion of Class 5B SMBians at Cheezbox, i came early before 2pm which is supposed to be the arrival of guests but unfortunately it's only me and Anis who came early. The others started coming as at 3pm (Janji Melayu Tah Jua Banar!), the organiser was also late! you know who you are! hahaha and there's only 6 of us who managed to come for the reunion probably the rest could not come because of their commitments. We had fun Chit Chating about our time back in SMB where we are so playful, also the part where we "ngumpat" about the others who didn't come yesterday. So guys it's your lost you didn't came to the reunion we had fun! Enjoy the pictures i've took yesterday...

This is what i ordered while waiting for them Waffles with Ice Cream

Only 6 who came - Jauzi, Ramli, Jazreen, Fendi, Anis & Me

A little update of each of them - Jauzi is in UBD finishing his time there for another a year and a half good luck man~ , for Fendi & Jazreen i want to say congrats on finishing their Course National Diploma in Tourism at MTSSR and also getting their scholarships.

As for me I am towards the end of my Industrial Attachment at BIBD as well as finishing my National Diploma in Business & Finance, and after this i planned to continue in getting a HND at ITB. Ramli (middle) was no longer working in Utama Grand at the mall but infact he's now under a Rescue Team (BOMBA) and now he's undergoing his physical training in Muara. Lastly as for Anis he's now in ITB taking Mechanical Course and now he's into photography heh~

best friends~

A group photo of 6 guys from Class 5B
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