It was last Sunday when Ms Nursham our Language Tutor from Business School invited her students for a Makan-Makan at her apartment in Kianggeh. Those who came were from ND/BNF/11, ND/BNF/12 and also some of our juniors. I really do enjoy the foods prepared especially the Chicken Masak Ala Ala Malaysia and a believe it was made by Ms Nursham her self. So this will also be the last time for some of us to meet our language tutor who took care and thought us for the past 3 years since we were in PND back in 2005.

looking through Zaff's wedding album

Zaff with his beloved daughter

Ms Nursham and Rena

and this is what happens when you're from 10th floor (batah wah lift nya atu)
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