my lovely niece Nadhirah
Just right after the Majlis Berjarah followed by the recital of "Doa Selamat" for the groom, then it's time for the "Majlis Hantar Berian" to the bride's residence which is also in the same village just about 5 minute drive and we're there.

Kids were always needed to be part of the "Hantar Berian" that is to carry all the gifts for the bride

"The Groom's Ride"

arrival of the groom at the bride's residence
*i've to drove off early just to snap the arrival moments and ofcourse good parking

my dad(middle) on his long walk climbing the hill

lady from the bride's side

the bride's side showing off some poems


The groom's father Hj Duahim Hj Bakar
next will be the Finale "Majlis Akad Nikah" keep tuning!
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